Which KAS miner makes more money, Antminer KS3 or IceRiver KS3


In the world of cryptocurrency mining, choosing the right mining equipment is the key to success. With the popularity of KAS currency, IceRiver and Bitmain have successively released ASIC miners for mining this currency, and a variety of miner options have appeared on the market. This article will compare the two popular models, Antminer KS3 and IceRiver KS3, which one has more profit potential?

Antminer KS3 and ICERIVER KS3

1. Basic parameters comparison:

Antminer KS3:

Hash rate: 9.4 TH/s

Power consumption: 3500 W

Bitmain official website price (after using coupons): $29,610 (this price was updated on September 27, 2023)

IceRiver KS3:

Hash rate: 8 TH/s

Power consumption: 3200 W

ICERIVER official website price: $29,999 (the price was updated on September 27, 2023) 

KAS miner KS3 specifications

2. Comparison of profitability:

Parameter / Model

Antminer KS3

IceRiver KS3

Daily Income($)



Electricity cost($)



Daily Profit($)



Payback period(day)




From the data point of view, Antminer KS3 is temporarily ahead of IceRiver KS3 in terms of daily income, power consumption efficiency, and payback cycle. After using the coupon for Antminer KS3, the price difference between the two miners is not much different, but Antminer KS3 pays back faster, providing higher profit potential. For investors considering getting into KAS coin mining, if you have enough budget, Antminer KS3 seems to be a more suitable choice under current conditions. However, factors such as the operating status of the miner, maintenance costs, service life, market conditions, mining difficulty, and currency price fluctuations also need to be considered. It is recommended to do sufficient research before making a decision.


The information and analysis provided in this article are intended to provide guidance and reference for readers and do not constitute any investment advice. Investing in cryptocurrency and mining involves risks, and market conditions, currency prices, and mining difficulty change at any time. Readers are advised to conduct adequate research and seek professional advice before making any decisions. The author and publishing platform are not responsible for any decisions and losses arising from reliance on the information in this article.

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